Miss India World 2012 Vanya Mishra
Miss India World 2012 Vanya Mishra
Nakshatra unveiled the new Nakshatra Vivaaha Collection at the Mumbai Jewellery and Gem Fair organised by UBM. Miss India World 2012 Vanya Mishra unveiled the new line from the brand at the inauguration of the fair. Sushil Sharma, Vice President — International Business, Gitanjali Group, was present for the do.

The collection includes an enormous array of creations, illustrating the changes in design styles and techniques in the brand's creations. Exquisite designs with sparkling diamonds, the Vivaah collection will definitely will be loved by every bride. The collection offers innovative designs in gold and diamonds in various categories like bangles, necklace sets, earrings, rings and maang tikas.

The launch of the exhibition was celebrated with an evening titled 'Style Statement' where India's leading jewellery brands like Asmi, Gili and Nakshatra showcased their latest designs on the ramp.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

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